-Mermaid's Cry-

A unicorn slain
beside a mermaid drowned
whispered a calling of my name.

The sandman dead
who kissed my face
did a beckoning quite the same.

Darkbell nights
and flowers fettered
litter the ground on which I stand.

Ages begotten
Memories forgotten
stray teardrops hit the sand.

Tattered wings
and dingy stardust
ripped brutally from my skin.

Story myths,
with feathers grey,
I’ve betrayed my dreaming kin.

Hero’s clipped
brazen lips
clandestine in doomed facade.

Cantrips failed
riddler hanged
I strangled my musing bard.

Gaudy men
hit me hard
ravaging both my soul and mind.

Rancid breath
and rapist’s eye
were all I could seem to find.

a sister wild
a flighty Faery
lured me home to rambling bliss.

Now pieces assemble
daisies tremble
while I await a madman's Kiss.

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