- Sister to the Wild -

I shall awaken in the morning
and I will see the flowers of my
previous night's hard work bloom.
I will see a sun that shines a soft hue of rose.
I will step over through a simple threshold,
into a valley
where being a woman is beautiful,
where being sensitive is not a sign of weakness,
and where innocence is forever maintained.
Cynicism does not exist there
and my ability to transcend is neither
nor criticized.
And for once,
instead of hearing my own voice say these words,
someone will tell me, "it's ok to just be yourself."
Everybody will agree with me
that only kindness matters.
Prayer will not be mocked,
and God will not be aloof.
I'll be the little sister of the Wild
and we will all live bravely and love fearlessly.
We'll run unbridled together with the untamed,
forever chasing after and crafting beautiful dreams.

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